Dracula Has Risen From the Grave

Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (1968)
Music composed by James Bernard

The Following elements have been Digitized and Archived 

All of James Bernard's Original Cue Sheets 
(including one reconstruction of a lost cue)
All Music Notation has been entered manually into Midi Software 
Realistic sounding Midi Mock-Ups have been created using Miroslav Philharmonik Sample Library 

01) M1 Main Title (COMPLETED)
02) 1M2 Bicycle Ride - The Bell Tower (contains unused music) (COMPLETED)
03) 1M3 The Tavern (COMPLETED)
04) 2M1 Trek to Castle Dracula (COMPLETED)
05) 3M1 Dracula Has Risen (COMPLETED)
06) 3M1 Tavern 2 (COMPLETED)
07) Who Has Done This Thing? (reconstruction) (COMPLETED)
08) 3M2 A Coffin For Dracula (COMPLETED)
09) 5M1 Maria and Paul Part 1 (COMPLETED)
10) 5M2 The Coach - Maria and Paul Part 2 - Bite Marks (COMPLETED)
11) 6M1 Priest Goes Down To Dracula (COMPLETED)
12) 6M2 Bring Her To Me (COMPLETED)
13) 6M3 Dracula Terrorizes Maria (COMPLETED)
14) 7M1 Destroy Her (COMPLETED)
15) 7M2 Dracula Visits Maria Part 1 (COMPLETED)
16) 8M1 She's Sick - Dracula Visits Maria Part 2 (COMPLETED)
17) 8M2 The Monsignor's Death 9M1 Vigil in Maria's Room -
Dracula Staked - Rooftop (Contains unused music) (COMPLETED)
18) 8M1 (excerpt) Maria and the Coffin (COMPLETED)
19) 10M1 Dracula and the Crucifix (COMPLETED)
20) 10M2 Finale (Contains unused music) (COMPLETED)

The following Midi mock-ups were created by Aleksandar Popovic

01) M1 Main Title (plays over Credits)
03) 1M3 The Tavern
05) 3M1 Dracula Has Risen
06) 3M1 Tavern 2
08) 3M2 A Coffin For Dracula
09) 5M1 Maria and Paul Part 1
11) 6M1 Priest Goes Down To Dracula
13) 6M3 Dracula Terrorizes Maria
16) 8M1 She's Sick - Dracula Visits Maria Part 2
18) 8M1 (excerpt) Maria and the Coffin
19) 10M1 Dracula and the Crucifix
20) 10M2 Finale

The Following Midi Mock ups were created by Gaetano Malaponti

01) M1 Main Title
02) 1M2 Bicycle Ride - The Bell Tower
04) 2M1 Trek to Castle Dracula
07) Who Has Done This Thing? (reconstruction)
10) 5M2 The Coach - Maria and Paul Part 2 - Bite Marks
12) 6M2 Bring Her To Me
14) 7M1 Destroy Her
15) 7M2 Dracula Visits Maria Part 1
17) 8M2 The Monsignor's Death - Vigil in Maria's Room - Dracula Staked - Rooftop 

Special Thanks to David Huckvale and Aleksandar Popovic


SAMPLE: Midi Mock up of "Main Title"

A lot of time and effort goes into these projects (on average about 200-250 hours). If you would like to listen to the full soundtrack (and also help support future projects) please click the PayPal link below and make a donation quoting "DHRFTG" in the PayPal message box

Many thanks

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The Best Years of Our Lives

Complete score to visuals playlist  The Best Years of Our Lives